So the Easter Long weekend came up ..lots of people went out of town but Andrew and I decided to stay in town and celebrate my 30th birthday together.
Andrew surprised me and we went floating in self deprivation tanks. For those who are not sure of what they are ..they are big pods that have water that is warm with a ton of Epsom salts so that floating is absolutely effortlessly. You wear ear plugs and get in naked in the dark and float not knowing where the water is and where it ends. It was fabulous.. i fell asleep a couple times.. next time I want to see things but either way it was really relaxing and after we were done we had tea strolled around Portobello markets and had a bit to eat for lunch.
Check it out the float spa if you are interested
That evening Andrew and I went south of the river for to the OXO Tower for dinner and to watch the sun set behind London. The food was yummy and company even yummier but all very interested watching the people around us complain about various things.. and on the other side marriage proposals all very entertaining. After we were stuffed we rolled home for a nice long sleep in till the next morning.
Now I know the weekend was four days.. but as I
have been getting lazy I didn’t write it down or take notes so I can’t remember what else we did but it was a lovely weekend.