We headed to Vancouver on Dec 20th for the holidays and it was a huge day of firsts for Liadan.First time on the tube. First time on an airplane. And first time that she would meet the Lawson Grandparents.
The plane ride was great she was so good she made Andrew and I very proud and a bunch of people around us also commented on how good she was. The only major issue was the huge dump she took while we were just sitting in the plane waiting to taxi out. It was so big that it shot right up through her bum and out the back of her diaper soaking through her sleeper…great! Then she was hungry so we fed and she feel asleep which was fine as the poo stain did not seem to be getting any bigger. Finally when the seat belt sign came off I took her to the loo to change her and well she cried quite a bit.. and just before I got on the new diaper she had a little pee to share with me soaking the lot but we made it through and the rest of the trip was a breeze. Andrew did most of the holding so that was lovely for me.. thanks honey!
When we arrived in Vancouver both Grandmothers were there and Grandfather Lawson. Everyone was of course ecstatic to her and we went to Andrew folks place so everyone could get a better look and good cuddle. My sister in law and niece came over as well to meet their new relative her you can see her being held by Ella my niece. Sorry these pics are all a little blurry.

Great Poop story !
your pal,
I'm going with Beadle on this one. Great poop story for sure. Now here's the thing that's getting me all in a tizzy: The fact that I had no idea that Sam was even pregnant let alone the fact that you guys now have a beautiful baby girl?!?! WTF?!?! CONGRATULATIONS! HOLY CRAPINOLI! I'd love to hear more about this crazy new adventure you guys are on! contact me at johnnydarrell@shaw.ca post haste! This is regoddamndiculous!
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