Their names are David and Lulu and here they are on one of the first days we were there at one of their sunning spots, heres me and Li while i keep her out of the sun.
I feel bad it's been so long now that we were on the trip i don't remember all the the things we did and the places we went but David and Lulu took us everywhere.. to a ton of different places to enjoy the amazing hot weather and we met all their families.
So I have gone through all our pics and i'll just give a short recap of some of what we did.. but there will not be too many details, sorry
This cinema is in Hamstead and is one with big comfy couches and chairs and little tables so it would be more roomy. Since I was taking the outing I thought I would ask a friend of Andrews wife who had a little girl 3 months after us if she wanted to go and as it turned out she was already going to go to the same screening but with a whole pile of other mums she met from a baby massage class she took .. so I tagged along with all of them. It was really good to get out and it was crazy babies galore but liadan was really good and although the movie was pretty sub par but it was a really good day out.