Monday, 17 December 2007

First Bath

On November 17th we decided it was time for Liadan to have her first bath. So we heated up the bathroom, ran the tub, Andrew got it and I gave Liadan to him and we gave her a wash down. She was pretty indifferent about the whole event.. not happy, not sad (thankfully) just staring straight ahead. So pretty successful all in all and now we look forward to the many more bathing adventures to come.

Now I didn’t take a pic of the event and this of course is not Liadan…but I thought it was a cute pic.

Friday, 14 December 2007

Bye for now

Now my parents left a few weeks ago now but the blog is always a little behind… so I’m about mid nov now in reporting events. Before then came I had no idea how the time was going to go with my parents here. Was I going to love it and need all help I could get or was it going to be to claustrophobic parent invasion. Well I have to say after the time has now passed it was fabulous to have them here, they rented a huge apt just up the street so they were close. All the dinners and groceries and just watching Liadan so I could take naps and have showers was great! Now that they are gone just the littlest things seem to be more challenging.

So, mom and dad thanks so much for everything – can’t wait to see you over the holidays and for you to see how Liadan has changed

Wednesday, 12 December 2007

Cradle Cap

Again another common skin problem babies can get Liadan has. It’s something called Cradle cap, and she has a bad case of it on her forehead. It’s kind of like eczema with dry flaky skin that is so crusty it’s yellow and green. So our little Liadan currently looks like a romulan, klingon, ferengi or any other number of star trek characters. It been at least a few weeks now and the nastiness has disappeared from her forehead however it has developed on her scalp now.. so warning to everyone at home Liadan will not be dining in her black cocktail dress and her hair may look a little greasy. So here is just another pic of our little one where you can't see her scaly scalp getting a kiss from her dad.

Tuesday, 11 December 2007

Baby Puberty

Our cute little girl is maturing fast and now has a case of baby acne coming on. It’s just like it sounds, she has a rather zitty face. We decided not to take pictures of her new skin problem so her is another pic of her from a few weeks later. Enjoy.

Monday, 10 December 2007

I Can Read – sort of

My previous posting of the books I had read .. or rather had not read did get me reading a little.. I picked an easy murder mystery book called The Interpretation of Murder by Jen Rubenfeld. It was just what I needed to get back into reading, easy not to challenging but keeps you moving along. I have picked up another book but it is going slowly cause the biggest reason why I got a chance to read more was cause my parents were here giving me more free time…and I think I started the book before I had Liadan.. hopefully it will not be long before I finish the next one.

Friday, 7 December 2007

An Ear Full

In the first month of Liadans life we needed to take her into the clinic to get her hearing checked… everything checked out good so far.. so her ears are going to be ruined like all the rest of ours when she is a teen with her headphones and concerts.

The tuberculosis rate has risen by 80% in London over 10 years so they now are vaccinating all children in London now for TB. So we made another trip to the clinic to get her shot in the arm and my parents came with me. It was horrible, they stick a needle just under the skin and inject this liquid that forms a white blister the size of a tart and tiny and it’s not quick. Why it was so bad though was Liadan poor face.. she squiggied it all up and tears filled her eyes and her mouth and cry were just heart wrenching, it was the look of what the fuck do you think you are doing that hurts – you don’t love me!!!! She soon forgot by the next day but I haven’t and am not looking forward to her 8 week immunization session.

Wednesday, 5 December 2007

Aunt Fi

So Andrews sister Fiona was traveling around Europe with their cousin Alice for a couple months (sept – oct ) so on their way home they stopped by London to meet the new family member. It was really good to see them both and hear all about their travels..

But there is nothing like two twenty somethings, country and party hopping to make a new mother who did the very same thing more than ten years ago, make you feel ancient.

Andrew took them to Brick Lane for a curry one night and little pub crawls around where we live and we all went for a Sunday Roast up the street.

Here are a couple pictures of Aunt Fiona and her niece Liadan

Tuesday, 4 December 2007

Rogers Blog

just in case anyone is interested i have added Rogers blog to the list of friends blogs to the left

Monday, 3 December 2007

The art of staring

I know all new parents tell you how much you will be able to just stare at your new little bundle but it’s crazy you just get taken with watching her for hours.. all the little faces they make they are all so subtle but I could watch them all day – well I do. When she is sleeping she looks so peaceful, and loves looking at lights or out any of the windows and she has about three different types of yawning.. one of them start out looking like a dry heave it’s hilarious. Lately she has started the smile at you when you are smiling and it’s just lights me up inside. As the holidays get closer and I’m a bit more comfortable with the whole mom thing we will start venturing out and having people in so you can all see her smile too. Here is a pic of Liadan doing some staring of her own.

Saturday, 1 December 2007


Another joy of new found motherhood has been the constant dampness of my chest region. It’s a never ending flow, squirt or trickle. Oh the joys of stuffing my new larger bra size so it looks like I’m packing a pair of rather lumpy pillows. It looks hot believe me. The best is when I’m feeding Liadan with one spurting nipple to pull her away and think oh no she has leaked from her diaper…no wait it was just my other breast using her as an additional breast pad – everyone gets to change now. It’s been almost two months now and the flow has not ebbed so beware the next spurt may get you in the eye.