She is seen here on the right and the girl on the left is her cousin. Two wicked girls!!
Today Andrew and I and a slow morning and went for a walk up to primrose hill. Very nice posh little pocket above Regent’s Park with some lovely looking pubs. Sylvia Plath used to live there. Close by there is a little park that is attached to primrose hill with the hill. On top of that hill there is a pretty good view of
When we got home it was time for Andrew to say goodbye to his most recent beard.So to document the occasion he cut into a number of different shapes.
First here you can see his beard in all its full length glory
Second is his Man that would be King beard.. which in person looked very 1800’s gentleman
Third we have his Angry Biker handle bar moustache
Fifth is what Andrew calls the Moustache Horrible ( to be said with a French accent)
Sixth but not least the Hitler or more what it looks like here is the Chaplin
So I think that is all I am going to fit in for today.. but there is more.. so stay tuned for Part Two tomorrow for the rest of Feb 10th
helloooooooo my hairy wanker !!! and as Bucket says.. AWESOME !!
dude, those pics are GOLD!!! you need to get back into acting .. i am not really sure why sam didn't stop at porn star.. i thought you looked quie handsome
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