Feb 24
thToday is Craig Bucket McPherson’s Birthday!!!

We so wish we could be there in Vancouver to celebrate with you but instead here is just a tribute of your face I send to the world!
Happy Birthday we miss you !!!
In other news Moose and Vashti were in London on their return back to Vancouver from Lemmington Spa, and we got to meet both their little girls who are adorable. Neil was also in town to see them off so Andrew and I met them at the zoo in the late afternoon, went for a little stroll threw Regents Park and had dinner at place called Giraffe in Marlyebone. After dinner Niel came home with us as he was crash on the couch for the night and we just hung out and had some drinks.
Yay for birthdays. I have one next week :)
Grandpa Buuuuuuu-cket.
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