Thursday, 1 March 2007

Saw a Play in Soho

Feb 15th

Tonight Lu, Amanda, Andrew and myself went to go see a play in Soho. It was called The Oak Tree. Now it was a little different than the usual play in that one of the characters ( there are only two in the whole play) has never seen the script or knows anything about the play really and they are directed on stage during the show by the other performer. I was expecting it to be a little more improvisation that it was but it was still and interesting watch.

It just finished running in New York and every night there is a different actor in the play. I can’t remember the name of the actress who was on the night we went to see it, she had been in some bit parts in stuff.. to narrow it down for you all… anyways for more about the theatre or about the play here is the site .

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