Thursday, 8 March 2007

Mom’s Birthday 60th!!

Feb 18th

Today was my mothers birthday, her 60th birthday!! Here is an old picture of my mother when she was a youngster and a picture of her now. It also seems to be a family curse now to start small fires on peoples birthdays ( for those who were at Downs surprise b-day celebration) but my mom wanted all 60 candles which turned the cake into a little bon fire and smoked out the living room as you can see

It is also Chinese New Year which is the year of the pig ( some useless pig trivia, the following famous people are all pigs Woody Allen, Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers,Lucille Ball, Humphrey Bogart, Glenn Close, Alfred Hitchcock, and Arnold Schwarzenagger – people who are pigs are said to usually be honest, straightforward and patient people) So some of my the family went to Chinatown for the parade.

Happy Birthday Mom Love you

1 comment:

Beau said...

Your mom is adorable! I'm glad she wasn't horribly disfigured by third degree burns.