Andrew and I went for our second more official scan of the little one which was about 12 weeks, the last pic was 9 weeks roughly. You can see her hand and it looks like she is sucking her thumb or waving hello. But ready for round two of our worries, some of the measurements were off so they decided to send me to a specialist first thing the next day so he could take a look at the baby so off to the fetal medical unit the next morning. The next morning we met the specialist who was really nice and talked us through a bunch of concerns he had and in the end we decided to have a CVS – Chorionic villus sampling. So right then they stuck a needle into my belly into the placenta and inside that needle they put in another one and took a few samples so they could grow the babies chromosomes. It was a terrible feeling and I was sweating like a pig during the whole procedure and had to stay off my feet for two days. After then we needed to wait a couple weeks for the results which was torture. But in the end everything turned out good but I would still need to be in the fetal medical unit for a few more visits just to be sure and hit a couple more milestones in fetal growth.
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