they play this game called kub? i am not sure of the spelling.. you have teams and you set up wooden pegs on each end and with some other sticks you knock down the other teams standing pegs. there are a couple other rules but you get the gist. Here is a pic of us playing kub outside this fortress.
Their names are David and Lulu and here they are on one of the first days we were there at one of their sunning spots, heres me and Li while i keep her out of the sun.
I feel bad it's been so long now that we were on the trip i don't remember all the the things we did and the places we went but David and Lulu took us everywhere.. to a ton of different places to enjoy the amazing hot weather and we met all their families.
So I have gone through all our pics and i'll just give a short recap of some of what we did.. but there will not be too many details, sorry
This cinema is in Hamstead and is one with big comfy couches and chairs and little tables so it would be more roomy. Since I was taking the outing I thought I would ask a friend of Andrews wife who had a little girl 3 months after us if she wanted to go and as it turned out she was already going to go to the same screening but with a whole pile of other mums she met from a baby massage class she took .. so I tagged along with all of them. It was really good to get out and it was crazy babies galore but liadan was really good and although the movie was pretty sub par but it was a really good day out.
So as mentioned before I got Liadan a walker so she could move around a little more independently and not totally ruin our backs while she figured out how to walk on her own. I’m so glad that these things are not banned here in
Also I know I am once again really far behind on the blog so I’m going to try and blast out new entries for the next couple weeks ..so stay tuned lots to come
Liadan was playing on her play mat today and she was getting into all the different sounds and things it does more than she usually does, what was so cute was her figuring out that she could actually turn the lights on for the flowers anyways you can see for yourself it’s a little slow of course because as soon as I get the camera out she decides to do something else. Then later she was sitting there and pulled herself up to standing on the arm things of the mat.. but they are not meant for that so it’s not easy going. But here is a little clip of her on the mat
So the eating continues we caught her making some more funny faces when she tried spinach for the first time… hope you enjoy it! Since the last list of food we have now tasted apricot, beetroot, artichoke, coquina, watermelon, potato, sweetcorn, cucumber, cantaloupe, guava, pomegranate, plum, galia, yogurt, blueberries, and salmon.
As well a friend that I originally met in
Here is a pic of the little one and Dad chill'n out in the evening sun
I turned 31 ..doesn’t feel too different. In the morning Andrew and I went to the Engineer pub up in Primrose for an eggs benny breakfast, came home for some tea and cheesecake (the second best cheese cake I have ever had from Morgan and
I can't believe Mom is 31.. holy moly
A few Sundays ago we took Chris our flatmate to Ealing where I used to live last time in
That was a really boring entry .. sorry…to make up so me pics
It was the first time we actually dressed Liadan in clothes I usually can’t be bothered and we go out in the usual baby onesie attire but this day she wore trousers and a hoodie - here is a pic of me breastfeeding while I enjoyed my half Guinness, Liadan licking my cup and one with her with her Daddy.
So when Liadans weight was slipping a bit I though perhaps its time to start weaning her onto solids and after our first attempt at it I could tell it was a good idea because she literally ate it up. She loved it moth open and couldn’t wait for me. Mashing food became a new added pass time for me and so far we have indulged in the follow baby rice, apple, banana, pear, mango, papaya, avocado, courgette (zucchini), butternut squash, broccoli, sweet potato and I think that is it for now. April 17th enter swede. April 19 now spinach and basil April 20 peas.
Here is a little clip of her eating apple for the first time.