Now I didn’t take a pic of the event and this of course is not Liadan…but I thought it was a cute pic.
Now I didn’t take a pic of the event and this of course is not Liadan…but I thought it was a cute pic.
Now my parents left a few weeks ago now but the blog is always a little behind… so I’m about mid nov now in reporting events. Before then came I had no idea how the time was going to go with my parents here. Was I going to love it and need all help I could get or was it going to be to claustrophobic parent invasion. Well I have to say after the time has now passed it was fabulous to have them here, they rented a huge apt just up the street so they were close. All the dinners and groceries and just watching Liadan so I could take naps and have showers was great! Now that they are gone just the littlest things seem to be more challenging.
The tuberculosis rate has risen by 80% in
But there is nothing like two twenty somethings, country and party hopping to make a new mother who did the very same thing more than ten years ago, make you feel ancient.
Andrew took them to
Here are a couple pictures of Aunt Fiona and her niece Liadan
So here is the detailed events of Liadan Siobhan Lawson entering the outside world.
I was 3 cm when i got there and then four hours later only 5 cms.. urgh... then in the evening I was fully dilated but my waters still had not broken so they broke them for me ... oh what a very wet occasion that was and on my drugged up legs I had to get out of bed.. while they changed me and the bed as everything was absolutely soaking.
After that labor speed up a little which is what they were trying to do …
more epidural drugs please cause man my lower back was in so much pain. So while I held out before I got a top up on my epidural I gave the ol’ gas and air a go. I have to admit it was lovely so I finished a tank of that off for them. Many hours later she is SLOWLY coming at 7:30 they wanted to see how far she got in an hour and that would decide if they were going to give me this other drug to speed up the contractions again. But an hour later she had made good progress so they gave her one more hour to “Come on Down” before the main pushing event.
Eight rolled around and we had a shift change so we met all the new doctors who were on and my new midwife and so everyone got caught up on my situation. At 9:30 she was pretty much ready to be pushed out and the doctors came in before hand and said that I would pretty much have 1 hour to push her out see how far we got and if it was not going fast enough they were going to give me the contractions speedy up drug so we could get her delivered and that they may decide to use a ventouse and episiotomy. Not to happy with the cutting side of the whole thing but at this point I was a little exhausted and on board with whatever needed to be done to make sure she came out ok and in good time.
Pushing began… I could feel the contractions fully but was pretty numb from the waist down so i was using all my memories of taking poos to figure out what muscles I think I should be using to push her out and cross my fingers I was actually flexing them. The Midwife and Andrew seemed to be happy with the muscles I thought I was using so I went with it. The pushing took lots of concentration which is good as it takes your mind off what is really happening in my neither regions as you can sort of feel that something so large is starting to come out. Over the next hour her little head popped out but still not far enough for the doctor so in we go with some assistance ..i push, he pulls. For those of you who do not know what a ventouse is its like a little vacuum cap they put on her head and pull as I push.
So Shortly after she was on her way I could feel her head on the way out and then of all things the doctor tells me to stop pushing.. so her head can come out smoothly.. that was almost harder than the pushing. And then out she came blue and bloody and all safe and ok but I have to admit it didn’t seem real when they gave her to me I didn’t really know what to do. Then they took her for the pediatrician to do his once over clear her lungs and make sure she is really alright and the doctor started stitching me up. Then when they brought her back to me that is when it hit home a little more that this wrinkly little thing was our daughter. She started making her foodie faces right away so we gave breast feeding a go, she seemed happy. Then it really was time to relax after the I was all sewn up and rested for a little I had a shower and got back into some clothes. The midwife brought us a cup of tea and we had some quiet time.
My blood pressure was high so they would not discharge me to the ward till it had come down so Andrew and I got to chill in the room longer which was nice since if they had been able to check me to the ward Andrew would have had to leave. So we got to be together the three of us till about 2:30am when they took me upstairs to bed.
Lying on my stomach – which has not really felt comfortable from 3 months on .. and now that I’m with out baby in belly I though I could get back onto my front however my breasts are swelling so much at the moment producing milk lying on my stomach is having to wait still even longer. Even sleeping on my side sometimes is not comfortable. Look at that pic of that little girl on her stomach.. she doesn’t know how good she has it.
Sushi – oh sushi… I did recently get a couple pieces but it was not really good quality so I’m still really waiting till I head home for Christmas and can fully gorge out on cheap – in cost high in quality Vancouver sushi
Booze – not as hard as I thought it was going to be but I miss being able to have a glass of wine at dinner. This one like the lying on my stomach also has to wait even longer and didn’t not expire when I popped.. as I’m not going to drink while I’m breast feeding.. but still not really too bothered about this one. This will be one of my driest holiday seasons coming up.
Being able to see my crotch – sorry if that is too much info for some of you but it was the truth heehee I’ll spare you my thoughts on this one from my point of view now.
It was great to get to know you better but I know we will see each other again and I’m looking forward to your baby tips. Safe travels
Lu we will miss you!
Lindsay came back for a day a couple weeks later on her way back to Canada so we went for afternoon tea at Fortum and Mason’s which is an up market department store for foods but most famous for their hampers and preserves and teas.
The feature that Andrew is currently working on is based on a children’s book called the Tale of Despereaux – terrible book … sorry guys and to all the people working on the project. There is a way the author writes that is just so annoying, reader do you know what annoying is? Well look it up you lazy kid!
On Sunday we took a walk to a nice pub on the other side of a field for a yummy roast.
You can see the pub behind me and Mark here and here is another picture of the growing bump sorry I didn’t realize my shirt was not covering my whole belly.. heehee
First picture here is of the main stage. Second pic is of food area and the distance the lit tent and cabaret and the second main stage is behind us. And the third pic is of the 3rd stage in the woods. And then for the fourth pic I know a lot of you have already seen this pick from our flickr account but I am with my new bump in tent city. All in all we had a good time and in the end we made a good decision to go to this one and not the
Big Chill this year… one I don’t think I would have been able to handle going to the loo every 5 mins as I would have been further along for the Big Chill and second it was right after all that rain and the site would have been right muddy.
Good times! Highlights were CSS, New Young Pony Club and Arcade Fire.
So here we are first at the The tables here are covered in brown paper and everyone has a cup of crayons on the table to colour while you wait for your brekie and when I went to the bathroom they have covered the walls in pics people have drawn and I saw they had one of my happy faces I drew a couple years ago once while we were there.. so that was cool.
Then just a couple blocks down we passed by the front of my old flat and my local Red Lion Pub. So here you can see the pub and that is my old front door on the right that is green between the pub and the naughty bite sandwich place there. Oh the memories.
We spent the rest of the day looking in the second hand stores and doing a little shopping before heading home. I still love the area!